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$83.60 (inc GST)

Product Code

Available on backorder

Peroxtesmo MI

For the specific detection of lactoperoxidase in milk.

The enzyme lactoperoxidase is always present in raw milk.  It will only be deactivated by high temperature heating (ultra heat treated milk) but not through normal pasteurisation.  Peroxtesmo MI test paper reacts with UHT milk lactoperoxidase negative and with pasteurised milk lactoperoxidase negative.  Use this test paper for the quick and easy control of UHT milk.  In contrast to the alternative guaiacol method, Peroxtesmo MI is odorless and non-toxic.

A drop of milk is put onto the test paper. If the paper remains white, the ultra heat treatment process is completed.

Store in a cool, dry place (storage temperature below 20°C).  Avoid exposure to sunlight and moisture.


Manufactured by: Macherey-Nagel

Instructions: 90627 INSTRUCTIONS

Safety Data Sheet: 90627 SDS


Range/sensitivity Number of tests
Limit of sensitivity:  3 % raw milk in UHT milk 100

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