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$122.10 (inc GST)

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Available on backorder

Fluoride Test Paper

For the fast detection of fluoride ions in solutions containing hydrochlorid acid. It is suitable for the safe and easy detection of dangerous hydrofluoric acid, which is used for example in computer chip production.


Directions for use

Apply a drop of the hydrochloric acid solution (pH <1) to the test paper.  The dropping point coloured yellowish-pink.  High concentrations of fluorides are indicated by the appearance of a yellowish-white spot, lesser amounts by a yellowish-white ring.  The reaction must be determined immediately after the application of the test solution.

Store Fluoride Test Paper in a cool, dry place.  Avoid exposure to sunlight and moisture.


Manufactured by:  Macherey-Nagel

Instruction Manual: 90750 INSTRUCTIONS

Safety Data Sheet: 90750 SDS


Range/sensitivity Number of tests
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/L F 200

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