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$138.60 (inc GST)

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Available on backorder

WATOR Test Paper

For the quick and easy determination of water distribution in butter.

The storage life of butter is closely linked to the size of the water and buttermilk particles contained in it.  For this reason it is most important that a constant check should be kept on the water distribution during the manufacturing process and before storage of larger quantities.  The evaluation takes place according to the 5 point evaluation system.

• Sensitive to even the finest particles of water
• Turns a dark blue colour on contact with water, and the number and size of these dark blue spots allow to define the distribution of water in the butter.
•  Prevents errors in production, when used constantly.
•  Is indispensable for controlling the churning of both sour and sweet cream.
•  Is not sensitive to light or air humidity, and can therefore be kept for any length of time.
•  Is the only indicator paper of its kind that can, after use, be stored for documentation without any conservation.

WATOR comes in a pack of 50 sheets.


Manufactured by: Macherey-Nagel

Instructions90610 INSTRUCTIONS

Safety Data Sheet90610 SDS


Range/sensitivity Number of tests
Limit of sensitivity: H2O traces 50

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